How often, if at all, do you ask yourself:
- DO I stay at the job with the toxic work culture?
- DO I have a boss who doesn’t value my contribution?
- DO I wake up and work or live in a place that zaps my energy day after day?
If the answer is YES to any of these. Time to make some changes:️ Don’t Settle For Less Than You Deserve!
This sounds intimidating, but sometimes in this world of “keep going, you’ll get through it eventually,” someone needs to remind us that it’s OKAY to quit the things that no longer serve us.
Your mental and emotional well-being demands it!
If you aren’t being valued, feel energized, and enjoy what you do, it means you’re not in the right place, with the right people, or need to set some healthy boundaries.
Because those that know your value WILL appreciate you.
A quote to reflect on:
“Self-care is how you take your power back.” – Unknown
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