This is the first time in history when five different generations, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z, are part of the same workforce. As exciting as it may sound, human resource professionals are facing new challenges on how to unite and engage such a diverse employee base with the same budget.


Combined with low unemployment rates, HR is in need of innovative non-traditional solutions for incentives and benefits. Successful in the past initiatives, such as pay, health benefits,  and vacation days became commonplace. Plus younger generations look for more than a simple “time for money” job. They pay attention to soft attributes, like levels of happiness, meaning, and fulfillment at work, something that previous generations would pass with the right amount of compensation.

At no surprise, the conversations about engaging employee wellness programs pick the interest of human resource managers all over the world. Mindfulness and meditation might be exactly the bridge that human resources need to close the generation gap. Here are three reasons why:

1. Proven By Science:

There is a growing body of research proving that mindfulness and meditation bring significant health benefits to people of all ages and genders, which is invaluable criteria for a successful multi-generational employee wellness program. As a substantial bonus, they also impact company bottom line in a way of increased productivity and reduced healthcare costs.

     2. Tested By Time:

Unlike many emerging wearable technologies and fad-diet programs, mindfulness and meditation have stood the test of times. These practices and techniques are known and used for thousands of years and now being rediscovered and adjusted to the modern work and life.

    3: Requested By People:

Due to the fast-growing demand, mindfulness and meditation are one of the fastest growing industries. From a few meditation apps just 10 years ago, we now have more than 1,000 offered on the mobile market. There are meditation studios, wellness retreats, and corporate mindfulness training that are now available all over the world.

Most importantly, mindfulness and meditation address the human needs for meaning, connection, and well-being, which frankly have been forgotten in the most modern workplaces. Consider adding these practices to your employee wellness initiatives to gain a fresh perspective on the complex employee attraction and retention market.

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