When we fail to practice mindfulness, pain becomes the instrument that life uses to nudge us to transformation.

Read that again and take it to heart.?

The present moment is the only time when we are in charge of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and have the capacity to change them at will.

When you’re not actively creating time and space to be present and connect with your inner wisdom, you give up your power to create the life you WANT.

Instead, you’ll have the life you get.

Spend a few minutes with yourself today. What do you hear? 

You can do this short practice right at your desk or any environment with your eyes open or closed. It will help you to switch between tasks, meetings, and phone calls to enhance the quality of your presence and attention. Think of it as a restart button for your brain and body that you can use many times throughout the workday.

Tip: Breath through the nose. May exhale through the mouth if that feels good. 

A quote to reflect on: 

“Wherever you are, be there totally” 

– Echart Tolle