Are You “Searching?”

Are You “Searching?”

When I was 26 years old, I started a new chapter of my life and labeled it, “searching.” This is it, I thought. This is when I figure out all the answers to WHY I’m unhappy. I knew I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life and angry that my reality didn’t match the...
Top 3 Effective Stress Busters During Times of Uncertainty

Top 3 Effective Stress Busters During Times of Uncertainty

Has it been stressful before? Yes, but not like this. Supermarkets are empty, businesses are closing, and everyone is afraid to get sick – globally. We are amidst multidimensional challenges on personal, business, and family levels all at once, and no one knows...
Do Business With Companies That Meditate

Do Business With Companies That Meditate

In South Florida and Beyond Last year we worked with companies from different industries, geographical locations, and sizes. We noticed one common element. Organizations that offered meditation and mindfulness in the workplace are people-oriented. In return employees’...
Myths on Why “Meditation is Not Your Thing”… Yet! (Part 2)

Myths on Why “Meditation is Not Your Thing”… Yet! (Part 2)

Have you tried meditation and decided “it’s not your thing”? Or perhaps you have not tried it yet because of some common believes. Here are three more myths you might be telling yourself that prevent you from one of the best gifts in mental and emotional health. Myth...
6 Reasons to Meditate at Work

6 Reasons to Meditate at Work

In the Western society, it is not common to associate work hours with a time that we could use for ourselves. Work is work, and we are expected not to think or do anything else, except maybe during coffee and lunch, which we generously spend on our cell phone....