ROI on Mindfulness at Work

Where does your organization stand on this subject? The trend is that employee well-being programs are becoming more and more popular. Why? Here’s one reason – it saves you and your company money and more. By Investing in stress-management resources and wellness...

Are you at risk of burnout?

There is another epidemic on the rise…burnout. Burnout is a sneaky devil. While there are 4 stages of burnout, we often don’t acknowledge and accept what we’re dealing with until the later stages. And by that point, it can take weeks, months, or even YEARS to back out...

“Undesk” yourself today

Remember to “undesk” yourself today. Did you know – sitting can make your body adapt to abnormal postures, creating muscle fatigue and potentially causing future muscle and joint problems? Prolonged sitting is also linked to mental health imbalances in our...


“How to help people to embrace more mental well-being in their daily lives and at work?” is the question that I ponder every single day (including weekends).  This month was no exception and the goal is to address ANY types of EXCUSES not to practice mental...

Do you journal?

So many people are quick to dismiss journaling but it can be so powerful! Some have said they think it’s “embarrassing” or “pointless” but those that give it a chance, almost always love it. Journaling allows you to get the jumble of thoughts, heavy emotions, to-do...