How does a full moon impact your brain?

Today is a full moon and we barely take into account the impact on our well-being from this celestial object. But it’s huge. During the full moon, the liquid in our brains expands and causes mini-swallowing, which literally makes us...

What is your Wellness Plan?

Let’s talk about the mental wellness circle of frustration. We usually start the job excited about the new role. Then, Deadlines. Changes. Mistakes. The stress stacks up. We are given no way of dealing with our mental frustrations because everyone else in the...
Don’t miss this chance!

Don’t miss this chance!

In a few weeks we will start 2021 Wellness Reset Retreat with many phenomenal sessions! Some of you had some questions, that I would like to address below: 1. Is this retreat virtual or in-person?Wellness Reset Retreat is a fully virtual event with all...

Don’t Settle for Less than You Deserve!

How often, if at all, do you ask yourself: DO I stay at the job with the toxic work culture?DO I have a boss who doesn’t value my contribution?DO I wake up and work or live in a place that zaps my energy day after day? If the answer is YES to any of...

Why can’t we find balance?

Exploding with anger and dissatisfaction over little things at family, co-workers, kids, friends, and perfect strangers often have VERY LITTLE to do with the people we’re yelling at or the things we’re angry about… …and almost always to do with something...