4 Ways to Find Stillness

In addition to mediation, contemplation, reflection, and journaling are other forms of stillness. Pausing and thinking about our work, life, and relationships is paramount to letting our brain and body sync. Journaling is a great tool, as it forces us to reflect and...
What’s your sleep like?

What’s your sleep like?

Activity and rest are not opposites. They are two sides of one whole. One Whole You. Chances are you are super busy and active right now as the summer is at its peak. But how are you doing with your second half – the stillness? The easiest thing we can do...
When we fail to practice mindfulness…

When we fail to practice mindfulness…

When we fail to practice mindfulness, pain becomes the instrument that life uses to nudge us to transformation. Read that again and take it to heart. The present moment is the only time when we are in charge of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, and have...
Is your mind playing this trick on you?

Is your mind playing this trick on you?

We KNOW that worrying solves nothing, but we still do it. WHY? Well, first of all, the act of worrying is a destructive illusion that “tricks” our mind into making us feel like we are engaging with the problem in a productive way when in reality we are not. Even...
The Pain of Firing

The Pain of Firing

Having to fire employees was such a stressful event in my life as the company that I worked for didn’t provide any tools or resources to help us deal with it. The manager just said, “go do it” and expected it to go as smooth as a coffee break. They...


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to mental well-being. That’s why it’s so important to give yourself and your employees the tools to deal with stress, burnout, and overwhelming emotions, so we can ADAPT to the specific circumstances. One example –...